Resolve Boundary Disputes with a Lawyer

How To Resolve Boundary Disputes Quickly

If you have ever purchased a piece of property believing that you had finally found the home that was a perfect match for all of your hopes and dreams, those dreams can be shattered almost instantly if you are not aware of a boundary dispute that was going on between the previous owner and your new neighbour. It is sad how just a few centimetres either way on the line that divides your property can cause explosive arguments, and legal disputes, that can last for several years. As a result of this, there are many things that you should do before purchasing any piece of property that will inevitably lead to a boundary dispute. Here are a few tips that you should consider on how to prevent, and also resolve, boundary disputes quickly.

Preventing Boundary Dispute Issues

Angry neighbours

Angry neighbours – image pointtopointsurvey

The first thing that you should do before purchasing any piece of property that is adjacent to others on your block is to look at the actual boundary lines of the property as recorded officially in your title deed. These maps will show the exact location of the boundary lines, which should be abided by both parties that are adjacent to each other. Unfortunately, these maps can come under dispute, and if you are not aware of the problems that already exist, you could be walking into a hornet’s nest of problems as a result of not doing your research. Therefore, make sure that you get a copy of the surveys done on your land, and talk to the owner to find out if there are any existing disputes between them and their neighbour in regard to the border between the two pieces of property. If so, this might be one reason to stay away from this type of purchase, as it may become an expensive, and emotionally draining, situation.

How To Resolve Boundary Disputes

If you suddenly find yourself in the midst of a boundary dispute, you are limited as to what you were able to accomplish. If your neighbour is not talking, and simply decides to tear down the fence that you fought belong to you, this can lead to legal problems that could last for years. The best way to resolve these issues is to try to have some form of communication with your neighbour about the disputes that are currently going on. If you can reach some type of agreement, it’s a good idea to have that agreement filed a notarized so that you have a legal document that states that both of you have come to some sort of resolution. Finally, you can always take people to court and have a judge make a determination. This is the measure of last resort that most people try to avoid because it typically involves hiring a lawyer which can cost thousands of dollars.

Simple Solution For Boundary Disputes

When you are trying to figure out how to resolve boundary disputes as quickly as possible, money is always a good place to start. You can talk to your neighbour about jointly building a fence that will be at the proper location. You can both work together to build it, or mutually choose a contractor to get the job done. By meeting half way, most people are able to reach an agreement, especially if both parties were thinking of building a new fence at some point.

It is astounding how out of control a boundary issue can become when both neighbours cannot see eye to eye. Mere inches can create a travesty between both parties that can lead to wasting financial resources on a problem that can be verbally resolved. Hopefully this information on how to resolve boundary disputes quickly and easily will help you out if you’re currently facing this type of situation. It’s always better to simply talk, meet halfway, and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

However if your neighbour is not willing to compromise then you must resort to legal action. One North Shore law firm that has a strong dispute resolution department is McVeagh Fleming & Co. They have worked on many cases of boundary disputes in Albany and will be able to advise you. Their website has details here.